We are now a member of the Infection Prevention Society

If the past year has taught us anything, then it’s how important the effective prevention of infection is. As a company we have done our best to play our part and are always looking at what else we could do. So today we’re excited to announce that we’re now officially a member of the Infection Prevention Society.

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And their mission couldn’t be closer to our goals.

“To inform, promote and sustain evidence-based infection prevention policy and practice to create a health and care system where no person’s health and wellbeing is harmed by preventable infection.”


What are we doing to prevent infection?

We appreciate that offering the right product alone is not enough to prevent infections, however. How they are used is equally important! That’s exactly why we offer support and guidance on how to use the products provided on Vyne. So, if you have any questions or need help with any of our products, give us a ring on 020 3987 7560 or get in touch via email on .

If you want to read more about urinary tract infections, you can get some more information here.

Coronavirus made us branch out

When COVID-19 took hold of the world, it became apparent very quickly that there was no way out of it without effective personal protective equipment (PPE) for everybody. And we knew that we had to play our part in this fight, so we got to work and developed our very own PPE range.

And today, we’re proud to say that we have the right products for everyone, from healthcare professional to individual. Whether you need FFP3 masks, disposable aprons, and gloves for your job at the hospital or a surgical mask, some hand sanitiser and disinfecting alcohol wipes for your weekly shop, we’ve got you covered.