4 benefits of using a catheter leg bag sleeve

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – catheter fixation and supporting your leg bag is so important!

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Catheter fixation – it’s important!

When your catheter and leg bag are left unsupported, it increases your risk of causing urethral trauma and associated infection. This risk is greatly reduced when your catheter is properly secured.

We like to have choice in all other areas of our lives, so why not catheter fixation as well? Vyne provides a range of fixation devices so you can choose whichever product fits best with you and your lifestyle.


4 reasons to use a catheter leg bag sleeve

1) A leg bag sleeve can be used to support leg bags attached to urethral catheters. Not only that, it can also be used to support leg bags attached to suprapubic catheters and sheath systems.
2) There’s no need to disconnect the leg bag from the catheter when inserting the bag into a leg bag sleeve. To minimise the risk of infection, the only time the leg bag should be disconnected from the catheter is when it’s being changed every 7 days.
3) Catheter leg bag sleeves help to reduce noise the noise of the bag during movement. The supportive elastic within the fabric holds the bag close to the leg as it’s filling with urine, limiting any noise on movement.
4) They can be washed and reused many times over. Check with each manufacturer to confirm recommended washing details and product lifespan.